0 Mooz.me — Graphics & Design

The new automated property management system used by thousands of rental agencies around the world. Is more powerful than existing solutions offered by banks and any other competitors. It is easy to use and works on any device.

Pain points

  • It seems that the user has a lot of information about their properties but nothing to move their business forward 
  • User flow can be simplified based on each persona identified
  • UI could be improved and made more user-centred rather than “sales centred”
  • There are issues related to the search bar and filter option.
  • The app can be more intuitive and dynamic.
  • No communication makes the app to static. 
  • Not only Landlords are the target audience but also letting agents and third-party users.
  • The Goal

    Simplify the app and make it more optimized for users 
    Bring core value upfront and centre (dynamic dashboard)
    Build features and add alternative ways to interact with people beyond the application
    Provide areas to bring other content types to improve engagements

    * Testing Different Layouts

    The solution

    Overall, I’ve made many changes on the current homepage. The searching process has been completely redesigned, trying to avoid too much information being required to get a result in the first instance. The payments come only once a month so there is no need to display a fully interactive graph. Instead, I focused on the previous month with easy access to pick a date and specific property.

    Property selector

    Removed a few steps to filter properties which helped me improve the look, feel and the most important - usability.


    Now the process has been split into multiple steps. This allowed me to reach the listing/property page even without specifying any dates or other information.

    90% more engagement
    90% more engagement
    Color plays more of a role than just for identification.

    Studies suggest that people make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of initial viewing. Up to 90% of that assessment is based on colour alone.


    Nowadays, communication is even more integrated into the user’s lifestyle. I’ve included a new feature which allows the user to connect within their network and to see the latest properties chosen by them, including some quick feedback about it (i.e. like / dislike). I’ve relegated this feature to the “Help” section as I wanted to collect more data about it before rolling it out across other sections.

    Progress bar

    An easy-to-use three stepped process helps users avoid frustration and successfully complete a primary task.

    Additional information

    Based on the assumptions I took from the personas, the result of the “Update” section can be customised using the information from on user behaviour.

    95% increased communication
    95% increased communication